Bulk Flax Seeds


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Ingredients: Flax.

Flax seeds are tiny seeds derived from the flax plant (Linum Lusitatissimum). The plant has been cultivated for thousands of years for manufacturing fiber and paints. However, it has gained popularity recently due to its impressive nutritional profile and health benefits.

What is Flax?

Flax seeds is one of the oldest known crops, dating back to the Stone Age. They are now recognized as a “superfood” so saught after by customers. A superfood is an ingredient that has nutrition and protein with the lowest calories. This tiny, brown, teardrop-shaped seed has a mild, nutty flavor. Flax seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants.

Flax Seeds are a great addition to many recipes, particularly when ground into flax meal. This might be how most people know flax. Flax meal is also popular because it is a good addition for those following the Ketogenic diet.

Why We Sell These Bulk Flax Seeds:

  • Grind them into flax meals because whole flax seeds may be difficult to digest. This is the best way to absorb the nutrients contained in the source. A food processor, blender, or coffee grinder has a use here to grind them into a powder.
  • Smoothies are a popular way to incorporate ground flax seed into one’s diet, daily routine, and breakfast foods such as oatmeal, yogurt, and cereal.
  • Flax seeds find use in blends with water and sweeteners to make a nutrient-dense alternative to dairy milk.
  • Add ground flax seeds to baked goods, whether sweet or savory. Flax meal also boosts nutritious vitamins and minerals in pancakes.
  • Ground flax meal mixed with water can make a perfect binder for egg-free baking. Mix 1 tablespoon of the meal with three tablespoons of warm water and set aside until the mixture thickens. This will replace one egg in a baked goods recipe.

How Long Will It Take To Get These Flax Seeds

We can pack and ship as many unimid flax seeds as you want, from 5 kg to 4536 kg or more. Particularly, we can also send you fresh pallets of flax seeds.

We work with some of the world’s best and biggest growers and processors of Unimid flax seeds worldwide. When you order, some of these companies could include:

Storing Your Flax

Our Bulk Flax Seeds are best stored in an airtight container. If placed in a cool and dry area, they will have a shelf life of 6 months. However, when stored in an airtight container and placed in the fridge or freezer, seeds can be kept for up to 1 year. We recommend refrigerating our Bulk Flax Seeds in the freezer for optimal freshness.

Consider refrigeration, especially if you live in a warm climate or struggle with high humidity. Flax seeds can store well at room temperature, and refrigeration can offer additional protection against spoilage. Ensure the flax stores in a tightly sealed container to prevent moisture absorption.

Nutrients Rich With Goodness

Flax seeds are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids and have strong antioxidant properties. They are also a low-glycemic food that reduces blood cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides. Furthermore, this tiny seed contains more iron, lysine, magnesium, riboflavin, and manganese than many common grains.

Flax seeds are a good source of fiber, which can naturally aid in weight management and the breakdown of food for health. Finally, Unimid flax seeds are an excellent substitution for those allergic or sensitive to gluten and can increase gluten-free diets’ nutrient and antioxidant value.

Additional information

Weight N/A
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Bulk Flax Seeds – 4.5 Kg, Bulk Flax Seeds – 11.3 Kg